Where Is My Cat is a short film that adapts the real-life story of the artist’s lost pet into a parable on displacement, longing, and imagination. The film revolves around two narratives: that of Ying, who has returned home to China during a Covid-19 lockdown, and that of his cat Choco, who escapes his New York apartment and roams the city in Ying’s absence. These stories unfold in parallel, shifting between verité footage of Ying, shots imagining Choco’s point of view, and scenes in which the cat appears as a light projection in public spaces. Through the course of the film, the boundaries between reality and fantasy erode, but the emotional bond between human and cat remains clear. |
#AniFab the Animalis Fabula Film Festival '22 compiles the information presented in the official selections from FilmFreeway our film festival partner as well as from the filmmakers.The Festival Director presents the information as it is presented to AniFab. Archives
October 2022