Operation Wolf Patrol is a feature length documentary about eco-activist, Rod Coronado, and his attempt to end wolf hunting in the United States. Over the course of three years we watch Rod work to redefine his activism in an era– post 9/11, where some have called him an “eco-terrorist.” The film comes to a climax when Coronado's "Wolf Patrol" is met with a tightening of "hunter harassment" laws that prohibit photography on public lands. Now Coronado has to ask himself is he willing to go back to prison to fight a law that some are calling "unconstitutional." Joe Brown is a filmmaker and educator. His film work has been featured by festivals such as: The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, the Birmingham Sidewalk Festival, the Dallas International Film Festival, the Milwaukee Film Festival, and the Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival. Brown's current production, Operation Wolf Patrol, has been featured by web platforms such as: TakePart.com, The DoDo, and the Earth Island Journal. Brown teaches video production at the University of Denver in Colorado. AniFab judge's aggregate score for Operation Wolf Patrol is a 9 out of 10 with notes from one judges stating, "Powerful. It's great to see Rod on the next chapter in his journey. This judge is a sucker for people sharing stories about gross inequities perpetrated on animals. it takes balls to film it, and talent, skill and craft to weave it all into a compelling movie that needs to be seen, as Joe Brown and Operation Wolf Patrol does.' Director Statement "Operation Wolf Patrol" is longitudinal film about the silencing of an activist group advocating against animal cruelty. When I set out to make the film I was concerned with environmental issues such as poaching, species conservation, and wildlife management. What I found in making the film was a turbulent political landscape characterized by extreme polarization, toxic masculinity, racism, and authoritarianism. When I look at "Operation Wolf Patrol" with this realization in mind I am struck by the fact that during the years I was filming, 2014 - 2018, I was documenting the unraveling of America at its fringes. Ultimately, this film represents 5+ years of work, a legal battle about free speech, and a changing America.
2021 Official #AniFab Monthly Selections
September 2021
Monthly SelectionAnimalis Fabula Film Festival official monthly selections have the opportunity to compete for monthly attention as well as inclusion in the annual live / virtual film festival in Austin, Texas and the end of year fundraising benefit for animal welfare. |