With the Vaquita Porpoise on the brink of extinction, two brothers who collaborate as wildlife artists leave their studio behind and head to a small fishing town in Mexico. They board the M/V Farley Mowat to experience the front-line fight between ocean conservationists Sea Shepherd and the poachers, backed by the Mexican cartel, who are devastating countless marine species...
AniFab judge's aggregate score is 9.25 out of a 10 with one judge making a case for inclusion in the annual benefit series, "The Last Vaquita is an eloquent addition to the emerging story of the critically endangered Vaquita. Prior to last years release of Sea Of Shadows I don't believe there was much known about this "Cocaine" of the sea that is disappearing fast. Can the world know about this species quick enough to help before it disappears forever? Congratulations and thank you to the Harrison Bros. for beating the drum loudly, beautifully. We hope to be able to include The Last Vaquita in our annual benefit showcase. Let's amplify the beat of the Bros."
2021 Official #AniFab Monthly Selections
September 2021
Monthly SelectionAnimalis Fabula Film Festival official monthly selections have the opportunity to compete for monthly attention as well as inclusion in the annual live / virtual film festival in Austin, Texas and the end of year fundraising benefit for animal welfare. |