The Nature Girl is a story of a brave and courageous young Girl, abandoned by her parents at an early age, who ends up living on the streets in urban chaos. Her spirit is tested as she saves lost and injured animals with acts of heartfelt kindness to brazen rescues. She risks it all to save those that may be harmed. The Nature Girl is a story of purpose, compassion and a deep connection to the sacredness of Nature and its fragile animal life during a time of climate crisis. This film was created in collaboration with passionate industry filmmakers in Northern California and in the UK. One of the Co-directors, Paul Charisse, has created Visual Effects on a variety of films over the past 10 years including the Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Stardust and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Co-writer Donna Laemmlen is an award-winning screenwriter, whose most recent collaboration, Tabula Rasa, won Best Dramatic Feature at the Big Apple Film Festival in NYC and the Audience Award at the Cinequest Film Festival in Silicon Valley. The film also features the impactful song from Kate Bush, ‘A Woman’s Work’. |
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